1/2 Steer


5 in stock

Total: $2680.00
SKU: E163528 Category:


The Half steer option is roughly 254-270lbs of packaged all-natural processed meat. Our steers are grass fed/grass finished. We use a USDA certified processor here in East Texas. These packages are available for instore pickup or delivery. By buying in bulk, you are saving roughly 15% on the total price of the meat if you were to buy it online or in the store.

Butcher Cuts of Beef per Half
1 Whole Brisket
4 Chuck Eye Roast
4 Flat Iron Steaks packages
1 Teres Major
1 Denver Roast
4 Cutlets (Tenderized)
10 Bone – In Ribeye Steaks (1.5″)
10 Kansas City Strip Steaks (1.5″)
6 Filets (8oz)
5 Sirloin Steaks
1 Tri-Tip Roasts
1 Coulette
1 Hanger Steak
1 Flap Steak
1 Flank Steak
1 Skirt Steak
2 Rump Roast
2 Heel of Round Roast
2 Loin Tip Roast
60 2lb Ground Meat Logs
12 Soup Bone packages


*These numbers will slightly vary, depending on the Steers Hanging Weight, your purchased Half comes from*