Heritage Beef Farming

High-Quality Beef, Pork, and Lamb From a Family With Four Generations of Ranching Tradition

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Customer Reviews

Dan Butcher

Ruby Cattle Company, by far, has the best meat I have ever tasted, and this is no exaggeration. All of the steaks are always tender and juicy on every type of cut you get, and the beef jerky and ground beef are amazing too. Highly recommend!

Four Generations Strong...

"Our herd has been in the family for four generations, with each generation carefully selecting and developing only the best characteristics for a good beef.

We raise all our beef the old-fashioned way -- on the family farm. Like many family farms, we focus on the future and sustainability. When you purchase from RCC, you're purchasing beef or cattle we've personally raised and cared for." ~Joe B. Gulley, III

A group of black cows standing in the grass.
A tractor pulling hay bales in the middle of a field.

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The Ruby Cattle Company


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